Are you a Business User on the web, or a person who uses social media just for fun and recreation? This might be an important question. If you use Google Plus, then there may be good reasons to use it for business use, to a large extent. The current trend is for people to try getting their Facebook accounts and profiles turned into Business Profiles so they can appeal more to fans and users who want to either buy, subscribe to or join something. There are over 750 Million users there, so that is understandable.
But what about serious business people who are just in it for strictly business reasons, and have no interest in the fun or recreation stuff? Well, that's where LinkedIn comes in. LinkedIn is a social network intended for serious users who wish to integrate with serious users for networking, for making business links, joining business groups, learning business skills, and getting work offers and even finding jobs. Not to forget promoting themselves.
LinkedIn has grown 120% in the last Quarter of the year, showing a record increase in membership. It works similar to Facebook - you post up a profile and put in your links and join various groups, and grow your membership, and you mingle with others. And simply watch the list of members climb who know you.
LinkedIn has a serious attendance and high traffic numbers. This site has a Google Page rank of 9/10. It is almost up there with Facebook. And curiously, it seems to have some of the facilities that Google Plus would like to have. Google Plus is certainly growing, but many joined Google Plus out of curiosity and some suggest its growth has slowed a tad.
But for business users, for now - it has to be LinkedIn and Facebook.